Zikr; literally means to mention or to talk about. Talk about something significant. Something, which is beyond the reach of words and senses, but not mind and soul.
Following this thought, Zikr, an independent publishing house came to existence. We are a bunch of photographers, designers, poets and dreamers. From the very first day, we knew that it is photography, which goes beyond words, and talk crisp and clear. So, we decided to dedicate ourselves in learning, teaching and communicating in the language called, photography.
Our titles revolve around visual narration, but not limited to photographs. We, not only love images, we aspire to nurture and contribute to images as a language. So, if you like to learn about photography, to know lives of your favorite photographers behind the camera, or to go through wonderful visual narrations and photo essays? Zikr books are definitely for you.
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Youtube channel - Zikr: conversations in photography