
Zikr; literally means to mention, or to talk about. Talk about something significant. Something, which is beyond the reach of words and senses, but not mind and soul.

Following this thought, Zikr, an independent publishing house came to existence. We are a bunch of photographers, designers, poets and dreamers. From the beginning, we believe that it is visual communication, which goes beyond words, and talk crisp and clear. So, we decided to dedicate ourselves in learning, teaching and communicating in the language called, photography and visual arts. But, if you bring a new perspective to this table, we welcome you.

Our titles revolve around visual narration, but not limited to photographs. We, not only love images, we aspire to nurture and contribute to imagery as a language. So, if you like to learn about photography, to know the lives of your favorite visual artists or photographers, or to go through wonderful visual narrations, and photo essays? Zikr books are definitely for you.

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Instagram - @zikrpublications

Youtube channel - Zikr: conversations in photography



Our authors and contributors, are the most important part of our lovely and growing Zikr family. Our collective creativity, and drive to produce inspiring works, bind us together, like the pages of a good book. And, we welcome you to be part of Zikr family.

Submission guidelines

Firstly, we thank you for considering us to share your book idea. Zikr publication is one of the very few publications, which accept unsolicited book proposals (i.e. those proposals which are not presented by an agent).  We do this, because we believe that creativity cannot be monopolized. However, it is a challenge for us to select the right kind of titles, and it is also very important for you as an author, to figure out what kind of publication is right for you. Therefore, we expect you to give it a thought, before you send in your proposal, and also keep in mind the following guidelines, while doing so.

What we expect from you?

  • Content which is either directly or indirectly related to photography, visual arts and/or communication.

  • A well-developed concept yet flexibility of ideas so we can further improvise as a team.

  • A significant public platform through which you hope to promote your book.

What you might want to think before you write a proposal? Emphasise the following:

  • How this work relates with photography?

  • Why would someone buy your book over other similar works?

  • Have you acquired enough finances (through grants, funds, or personal input), to publish the work?

(Although finances are important, but it becomes secondary if your work is awesome)


Once you are done with thought process, and concluded that your work fits in the titles of Zikr, send in a proposal with following:

  • 15-20 images from the project that you intend to publish.

  • Synopsis of the project, and/or first three chapters of your book, plus chapter list. Or, a well structured and detailed outline of your goals and ideas with regards to the project.

  • A proposal explaining why you want to publish this particular body of work, how is it different from other books in the market (please tell us about other similar books that you have seen, it can be your inspirations), and how you plan to promote and sell your work to your target readers.

  • A cover letter.

  • Your CV and short author’s biography.

Email your proposal to (Please send only one proposal at a time)

Be patient because publication is a lengthy work and, it may take up to three months before you hear from us. Also, sometimes we are unable to provide guidance and advice (though we try to do so, but we cannot promise) about your proposal. It is a big world, and every publishing house work with own principles; therefor we cannot claim the expertise in guiding you.

Also, please bear in mind that we are an independent publishing, and cannot produce humongous amount of titles. So, if we somehow are not able to publish your book, it doesn’t mean that it’s a negative remark about the quality of work. We are gradually growing our resources, and hopefully soon we will be producing more wonderful titles, probably including yours.

If you do not hear from us in three months, do not hesitate to remind us.