To find a place for ourselves is an eternal quest. From the day we are born, we are identified with Name, family, religion, school or university, the kind of music we listen to, or the style of clothes we wear, everything associated with us becomes a reflection of our identity. But, is this reflection, a true representation of who we are?
Portraiture is an everlasting investigation of this question. A portraitist attempts to peel off these layers of reflections until the person underneath is revealed. It is a wonderful process, where not the success but the process is the reward. A portrait photograph is an interaction between the photographer, and the person photographed, where coincidentally, a camera is present.
The meaningfulness of the portrait is directly proportional, to the honesty and depth of this interaction. And, the most wonderful thing is, that sometimes this conversation, doesn’t require a single word to be spoken.
Here you’ll find a selection of images from portrait assignments I did. And, you’re welcome to get in touch with me if you’d like to have a portrait taken. I assure you, it will be a memorable conversation.