
How to know you want to be a photographer? by Prashant Rana

It is everyone’s dream to make a living out of what they love to do. Some may love to drive and, dream about being a race car champion, others may want to look cool in a business suit and, dream to be a renowned corporate figure, I want to be a wanderer telling stories through my photography and, here in this diary entry, we will discuss about how to decide whether or not you want to be a photographer?

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Visual Style: Expression, Aesthetics and, narration in photography by Prashant Rana

So, what happens when seeing and hearing stimulates the intellect and emotions? In that instant, seeing and hearing turns into vision, and the act of listening. And, from that moment onward, these senses analyze the world. This analysis usually leads to acceptation, rejection or intrigue.

Follow Instagram @prashantrana_official for live discussions about photography.

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A regular diary, and conversations through Instagram Live by Prashant Rana

So today I have decided to bring more regularity in my connection with readers of this diary. I propose that every Sunday we can talk live though Instagram, at 16:30 (04:30PM) Indian Standard Time. Every Friday, I will pick one topic of photography to write about, and post it here on the website. And, on Sunday at the given time, we can talk about that live on Instagram @prashantrana_official (Link - https://www.instagram.com/prashantrana_official/ ) about that topic.

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