
Light is eternal by Prashant Rana

Eternal is a word which creates paradoxes. It portrays a strong connection with infinity, and at the borders of infinity, science and spirituality unite. I am pondering over this, because Tomas decided to share his photo with me. Tomas was a participant in my photography workshop at Vilnius, in November 2018.

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Unaware lab-rats by Prashant Rana

Will they ever see what happened to that photograph? I stumble up on this question while compiling my work from Sundarban. People open their lives to photojournalists, perhaps unknowingly, but they do. A person walks in to their living space with a camera, and collect images. Now those persons in the images, are no longer individual persons, they are subjects.

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Exhibition - 'Enter' at CFF - Stockholm by Prashant Rana

The opening was wonderful. Many people came to cheer up the 19 photographers, who invested efforts in creating and executing interesting projects. Minutest details were given due attention in all the images. All the stories speak something about the world where we live. Maybe it raise questions, provide answers, or simply directs attention to the topic of the project.

But, somehow my enthusiasm fluctuates

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