
Truth of the trustworthy photos by Prashant Rana

But, is it so? Are photos really a trustworthy representation of reality? Is there a reality, or truth? After hanging up the phone, these questions clouded my mind. Of course photos are real; they represent everything in front of the camera. I don’t stage my photos, so I know that I have not interfered with reality in the scene. Or should I say that I have not interfered with reality in the scene consciously?

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Unaware lab-rats by Prashant Rana

Will they ever see what happened to that photograph? I stumble up on this question while compiling my work from Sundarban. People open their lives to photojournalists, perhaps unknowingly, but they do. A person walks in to their living space with a camera, and collect images. Now those persons in the images, are no longer individual persons, they are subjects.

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Photography is an art, or? by Prashant Rana

When I look at photography from afar, it seems to be an activity, but on a deeper look, it has a character, much like any person in our society.

Photography is a language where every word portrays a personality. A color photograph, speaks on a different frequency than a black and white one. Similarly landscapes and portraits use different gestures,

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